Sunday, March 02, 2008

Li'l Devil

No news, frantically trying to finish up manuscript/SCMS paper/grading before Thursday. But I couldn't let this photo go by, which Angela took at breakfast and which I completely love. Yes, it does appear as if we have an honest-to-goodness boy on our hands.


Anonymous said...

Man, get him a straw hat, a raft, and a frog. He's ready to go.

Anonymous said...

Too Cute! Yes, my cousin, at almost 3 looks manlier than I do. And I have a beard!

And yes, he most definitely need a frog; presumably kept in his pocket...

Middento said...

Yes, but at least your father wasn't a film professor, showing you the likes of Singin' in the Rain or talking about Brecht and what-not.

Oh, wait...


Anonymous said...

Xan the Man!!! He definitely looks more like a kid now, instead of a toddler. Patty K

AMD said...

To give credit where credit is due, Jeff actually took that photo. His forgetfulness is an indication of the depth of his manuscript mania!