Monday, May 05, 2008

Payback doesn't have to be a bitch

So this weekend, we wallowed about in our yearly scramble for a babysitter. Angela once again had a spring concert (once again featuring Copland, wheee!) and our usual supply of potential babysitters via students was completely wiped out due to final exams. With the coming of spring, many of our other sources (neighbors, former students, illegal immigrants looking for construction work in Prince William county, etc.) were also wiped out. At gymnastics class, I was going to ask JP, Xan's best friend's dad, if he could give me the name of their babysitter. But before I did, he mentioned that an aunt had come and was helping them out.

"Darn," I said. "I'm desperate for a babysitter and I was going to ask if you had a good one to recommend."

"Well," he said helpfully, "why doesn't Xan just come over to play with Jolie? She would love it, they could play at the park and you won't have to worry about anything?"

I blinked. "Really?"

After much assurance from both JP and later KC on the phone, we agreed this was a good thing. I brought Xan over and both he and Jolie were ecstatic, literally jumping up and down at the sight of each other. I had brought over pajamas, since KC had suggested that he could even try getting in a sleeping bag in her room when I expressed concern that we might be late. I thought, Wow, his first slumber party, of sorts! What fun! Indeed, he barely lifted his head up to wave goodbye as I drove away (madly, trying to get to Capitol Hill from Wheaton in under a half hour). The concert, which included a fantastic flamenco piece by Miguel de Falla that I was previously unaware of, was amazing and, as it was the last concert of the season, we stuck around a little while to mingle with some of the other performers. I realized I didn't have KC's or JP's phone number at intermission, but guessed that they had Angela's and would call if something was wrong. We checked as we left the theater: no messages. It was a wonderful evening -- and we took a leisurely drive back to their place.

At the door, KC met us with a big smile. Xan ran to us with a huge hug. And upstairs, we could hear poor Jolie howling.

The gist of it was that there was a definite conflict of ideas between the two kids at bedtime: he wanted to be in with her, she wanted no one else in the room. And there was much howling that ensued, apparently from both sides. Once this was finally resolved, Jolie was up way past her bedtime and was now overtired. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that KC, JP and KC's aunt all could have used a pitcher of mojitos. Each. That is how we left them.

They never said a word but, oh my goodness, we felt horribly guilty for not coming back sooner. KC: so, so, so very sorry.

So: we think payback is in order. As in, what can we do for them that would be both fun and deserving? Seriously, we need suggestions. I'm soliciting. (Should KC respond in the comments herself that no payback is necessary, pay no attention to the crazy woman who has a newborn, a fantastic job as a full-time doctor, three different blogging responsibilities and a penchant for going a little overboard with birthday parties. Remember: she needs a picther of mojitos. Plus, she's clearly been uber-busy with the new, fab-lookin' website, so make that a picther-and-a-half. Hmm, maybe I should just make mojitos?)


"G" said...

Seems pretty straightforward...have Jolie over for a sleepover at your place and make JP and KC stay out *late* and have fun. -- Gretchen

KC said...

Um...problem is...sleepovers at three DO NOT WORK.


Seriously, Jeff, it was not that much pain. Just enough to warrant a pitcher of mojitos though. I'm putting up a post now...

Anonymous said...

speaking of mojitos, were there "romantic" margaritas at Matamoros?


Ursa said...

Ok, so sleepovers don't work, but how about an early morning pick up for a play date in the park. Then the 'rents can have a nice quiet weekend morning, brunch, crossword, actually read the paper, and did I say quiet?