Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Keep your hands (and other appendages) in the car, please

Xan has been having a couple of rough days, where he'll be awake forever (today for almost eleven hours with only a couple very quick naps) and not want to sleep. I guess he just wants to be sure to be around for everything. And while we seemed to have dodged a colic bullet (maybe), today he would just work himself into a crying fit and nothing worked. No songs (not even the Carpenters), or walking, or different positions. Nothing. And although we have been trying not to use a pacifier, we've tried to use them a few times as a last resort. To no avail, he seems to not like them anyway. At one point today, however, Angela tried putting her pinky in his mouth as a pacifier. And lo and behold, he was happily pacifying himself. So since it was my turn to watch him, I did the same thing.

Which marked my first real exposure as to how powerful that little mouth really is. Oh my goodness, I thought I was going to lose my finger. I said, "This is what you feel on your breasts?!" She smiled and shrugged. Once again, women never fail to impress me.

Eventually, I was allowed to have my finger back and he's asleep right now. But I admit I'm making sure all appendages in the rollercoaster car. Because that kid will devour me once he figures out I don't have any milk. *shudder*


Anonymous said...

baby burrito - my cousin jan, the obstetrics nurse. Swaddle Xan. The baby whisperer of Beverly Hills swears, it works like a charm. And keep him swaddled. can't hurt, might help make sure you don't lose any fingers! --Priscilla

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mariana sucked on my finger for what seems like forever when she was an infant. I became so used to hit I honestly had the compulsion to shove my finger in peoples mouths when they were getting visibly upset at the office. I sometimes think I should have, just to see their reaction.

Anonymous said...

oh, and as for latching... yeah, Just be glad you don't have a nipple ring [do you?!?!], cause that came as QUITE the suprise at 3 AM...

Middento said...

Hahaha... oh my. No, Joel, no nipple ring here. A tattoo, yes, so Xan should be inrigued by my calf when he begins crawling. But no hardware. Besides, I think my nipples are too hairy for him to go for that.

Anonymous said...

Who says mine aren't hairy? [As far as I know, us Middents Folk are just a hairy bunch] No one said she liked it, but she certianly latched on for dear life. As for ink, yes, they are quite fun to discuss with kids... "Daddy, why did you draw on yourself", and now "What does Pi mean?" [The subject of said ink].

Middento said...

Hey, no fair tattooing mathematical symbols on yourself just so that Mariana can excel on the SAT.

I'm not sure anyone else reading these wants to know about our chest hair -- but, in the interest of full disclosure, oddly enough, I'm far from a rug. But there definitely is a smattering around my own nips. (And boy, stranger than typing that comment would be the vision of anyone looking in the window now who might see me checking down my own shirt.)

Thanks to your warnings, howeve, I shall also resist Angela's breast pump.